Franchise and business opportunities, by all means, are different in nature. Yet, so many people have mistaken one with another. Sadly, the business owners themselves also inaccurately believe that their business opportunities (often referred as BO) are franchises. To make matter worse, potential investors also believe on their claims. Let us set things straight once…

There are always pros and cons in franchising. The pros always believe that strong brand name and proven systems are the main benefits of franchising. The cons always believe that franchising is expensive and unfair (benefit franchisors more than their franchisees.) I am always pro-franchising. However, I can not deny that there are some legitimate…

If you are interested in franchise opportunities, here is a question for you to ponder: “Regardless of how much money you have to invest in franchise unit(s), which franchise type you choose: Low-investment or high-investment one?” To dig deeper into that question, please consider the following scenario: Suppose you have $100,000 to invest in franchises.…

Can you get rich with franchising? Yes. Just like anything else in business world, you can achieve your financial milestones well if you do the right thing. Being a franchisee for several years makes me realises that not all franchisees are born or created equal – The personal traits of the franchisees govern how well…