
Franchise Note is Launched

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Hello World!
Hello World!
Welcome to the very first blog post of Franchise Note. I am pleased to announce in this not-your-typical “Hello world!” article that Franchise Note is (finally) launched.

I envision this franchise business blog to be one of the authoritative voices in franchising blogosphere, as it is written by an experienced ex-franchise units’ owner.

“Ex-franchise units’ owner” – Yes, I am. Thanks to the recession and my bad trial-and-error sessions during my ownership period, those franchise units I once owned are merely surviving the recession, not thriving – And I consider this a failure. To cut long story short, I sold my franchise units.

Why? Because franchises can do a lot more than just recession survivors – They can thrive better than other non-franchise businesses (Let us explore this soon in Franchise Note future articles.)

My benefits being an ex-franchise units’ owner are obvious: I know what works and what not; I know how a franchise unit should be run; I also know that recovering from bad decision making is a very challenging task a franchise owner should face.

Despite my failures, I still believe in the power of franchising, because it brings many benefits to both franchisors and franchisees – If you understand the game you play. Mark my words: Owning a franchise is probably the best decision you and I can make in today’s economic downturn.

Those being said, I hope you enjoy your visit on Franchise Note and hopefully you’ll visit us again in the future 🙂

Ivan Widjaya
Franchise Note owner
Owning a franchise
Image by oskay